Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vacation Planning - East Malaysia

I haven't been down this alley in ages. There has been nothing much happening of late, McG's been quiet on the Terminator Renaissance front for quite abit, albeit a new trailer's been released and some controversies been flurried by him misquoting the god of the franchise, Cameron. Well, I'm taking this blog away from the cyborgishness for the moment, a bloke named Aidan from Aus is up there in facebook with a kickass group specially for us Resistance fighters, so if u r keen on being updated for the upcomin' war next May against the metal mofos, look me up on facebook and I'd point u in the right direction.

Don't ask me about my occupation and kids. A bad, busy phase, coupled with a lack of attention on the occupational front thanks to a dozen other commitments on the home front just got over. There are things I gotta sort out with the company and I shall keep this postponed till my vacation is over.

I'm prone to sporadic moments of insanity. That's a given. This year its decidedly Sabah, East Malaysia, with just one location in mind. Mt Kinabalu.

Look up at the pic above. Thats Mt K from somewhere near the base camp. I got this off the Net, and NO its not from my very own camera since I'd be there just next week. So don't start bashing just yet if u do come across another pic of the like on the Net.

I'm planning to make the Sun morn flight, 14th Dec. And be back either Thurs that week or on Sat, depending on how soon I get over. The plan's pretty simple, get to base camp, secure accommodation at one of the lodges at Kinabalu Park, acclimatize for a day at 1500m, and work my way up Mt K for the next 2 days. Making summit is definitely on my mind, scores of people have done it with great stories to tell on the Net. Its not Everest or K2 definitely, though the rise in elevation is somewhat quite similar from Base Camp to Summit at 2600m. The technicalities are somewhat different (near non-existent in this case), requiring no prior knowledge of scaling rock and ice walls. But its no walk in the park either. Granted, u don't hit the vertical limit with this one at 8000m, where death is imminent if u don't come down soon enough, but at 4100m, the temperature is below freezing, oxygen levels are significantly reduced, u do encounter High-altitude sickness, and if u lose your way thanks to false bravado or your own stupidity, and if rescue is delayed by a couple of days, u'd be back in a body bag. Every mountain has its risks and respect should be paid accordingly. Plenty haven't been able to make the summit simply due to extreme symptoms of altitude sickness.

So that does tell me I'm pretty much screwed. I haven't worked out in awhile, been pretty much on junk quite abit and common sense tells me I'm pretty much out of shape. So I have to get cautious on the mountain, attempt to acclimatize to the altitude well and stay hydrated well enuff to stave off any mountain illness symptoms.

Knowing myself, this would be the defining climb as to whether I take up mountaineering as a sport or not. I wouldn't go back to Mt K most likely, once at any place being good enough for me. If I do make summit, I'd look towards Mt Kili probably next year. If I don't.....urgh!!! Am not gonna think about it! I gotta get this done somehow!

Laters then. I'd be back with more pictures (my own this time) once I get back from the trip.
