Sunday, September 21, 2008

Confessions of a Mute Man, a short independant film

I have been an avid fan of short, independant films taken by budding local talents, usually showcased at the Substation annually. Singapore, with its increasing focus in the arts scene, has provided ample avenues to encourage these raw talents to showcase their stuff. And more often than not, they have impressed me to quite a large extent.

Working with a very limited budget, and usually casting immediate friends and relatives, these filmmakers usually focus on themes which are either controversial or with relation to immediate social issues. Usually issues which we know are present, but choose to ignore or turn a blind eye to entirely.

'Confessions of a Mute Man', which I happened to catch yesterday, falls in this category. With a friend of mine, Raja wielding the mike and shooting the footage, another dude of mine, Shiv Rai was casted in this one as the main protagonist. Playing a mute person is no mean feat, especially for those of us who have not really interacted with or encountered people from that circle of life. And hats off to the man, Mr Rai for bringing onto screen, the dilemmas and pains such people have to endure with daily, very effectively. I must say, knowing him in person, that he did an exceptional job with this one.

Kudos to Raja too, for a very professional editing, a smooth narration with a good background score to match, and more importantly a storyline that addresses this exisiting social issue. One which we choose to neglect or take for granted rather. Its certainly an eye opener for those of us who are more fortunate.

With permission from the crew involved, I would be uploading this film on my site, once I am able to re-size the file-size to acceptable levels by Meanwhile, do contact me at if you are interested to view the film. And once you do so, you cannot disagree with me on this one. The brains behind it all certainly does have a bright future in the media industry.


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