Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Salvation Updates : The I-950 Infiltrator

More updates on the new line of machines to be issued by Skynet which we are all eagerly awaiting to see on the silver screen, May 2009. This one is not entirely alien to fans though, the concept having been explored in the T2 : Infiltrator by S.M.Stirling.

The 950 series Infiltrator program was jump-started by Skynet in the year 2021 once the rogue defence network computer had isolated specific human specimens with certain desired traits that would ensure an increased viability of success in infiltration and combat missions. The genesis of it would be different from other cybernetic organisms though, it being 'born' naturally as a baby first, with a neural network processor implant in its brain following suit shortly after.

Skynet is certainly a connoisseur of pristine beauty nonetheless, it having chosen the sexy, leggy, blue-eyed, blonde Resistance fighter Lisa Weinbaum as its prototype organic model. Weinbaum was captured by a T-90 on one of her missions, interrogated (not a pleasant one I presume), had her eggs harvested and terminated.
The offspring of course, would be carefully nurtured by Skynet with in-built mechanical implants in the cerebrum to enhance performance and mission viability.

The neural network processor implanted in the baby would give it a direct uplink to Skynet itself. The baby's musculature being developed by coaxing it gently with holographic toys right from its inception. It would be injected with growth hormones and chemicals to accelerate its growth phase right from the age 4 such that it reaches the pre-pubescent phase in a fraction of that time. Skynet monitors these prototypes closely during this period though, those exhibiting rather negative adolescent traits being weeded out instantly for extermination. Extreme surges of emotions typical of humanity, loss of focus on the training etc, are traits deemed negative. The post-adolescence stage is completed with another round of chemical therapy to accelerate the growth phase once again, till it reaches maturity. This phase is training intensive as well, being conducted under the supervision of the T-800s.

Essentially a human, the I-950 is a perfect infiltrator which cannot be detected by dogs which are able to sniff out other cybernetic organisms (which are rather poor imitations of human beings). This infiltrator is allowed the liberty to exhibit emotions as well, rather naturally at that, as long as the mission demands it. Its edge over a normal human being comes from its implants and training, the infiltrator unit being able to control every single biological function, including the appropriate levels of hormone, eg adrenaline secretions, according to the requirements of the mission, increased muscular control and strength. The Infiltrator, unlike a normal human being, is able to calculate and measure the level of impact and damage an adversary can inflict on itself and contract the muscles accordingly to deflect or numb the blow. It has increased levels of strength and endurance alongside far superior reflexes and reaction times, largely due to the microprocessor in its brain.

The human brain is secondary in this case, most of the biological functions being directed entirely by the processor chip. Thus even if its destroyed in the human sense, i.e declared 'brain dead', the processor is able to take over the function of the deactivated brain and control the musculature of the corpse for an indefinite period. Thus making the unit largely unstoppable in a sense.

One known infiltrator in this series is Serena Burns, played by Helena Bonham Carter in the upcoming trilogy. Having described her role as her most negative ever, and adding this to the fact that I have hardly ever seen her in anything else apart from twisted roles clouded in darkness mostly, I am anticipating her character's involvement in the apocalyptic future eagerly. This together with Roland Kickinger's T-800. And I wonder how Connor is gonna wriggle himself out the mudhole he's got his feet stuck in.


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