Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mamma Mia! the film review....

Something about the sense of humor our Singaporeans have never fails to amaze me. I happened to be watching Mamma Mia! the other other with the K-9 unit, us both sailing deep in a parallel universe actually, at a proper state of reference. The screen adaptation of the musical was good, the humor being infused into the sticky plotline well, a great cast and great re-hash of hits from the 70's. The script itself, which is highly lyrical in many places had an abundance of wit and humor, simplified to a point where u don't need to have an excellent command of the language to comprehend. And yet, us both were the only ones to laugh in the cinema. Trust me, its rather impossible to stifle your laughters in this one. All u have to do attention to the flick, not the chick beside you are busy trying to snoggle....

Don't worry about the cast in this one. Most would come off as familiar, probably having been seen in some big named or critically acclaimed flicks. Led by Meryl Streep, we have Brosnan (everyone knows Bond), Colin Firth (Pride and Prejudice), Skaasgard (Bootstrap!!!!Yo fish-face!), Dominic Cooper (The History Boys) and Julie Walters (Mama Weasley from the Harry Potter franchise). You'd be blown to smithreens by Amanda Seyfield. Breathtakingly gorgeous with a great voice to match, she displays immense talent in acting as well. Speaking of the singing, u'd probably be able to infer and conclusively pass judgment on Bond's singing (which we never heard even once in that franchise). It sucks. Period!

And let us not disappoint you connoseiurs of beauty and charm. Set in Greece, its all about the charm and the beauty of the place. And you'd wonder what the hell am I doing stuck here in Singapore. Nothing beats a villa in a rural locale like that with fine food and homemade wines...and I'd recommend you to NOT watch this film with your partner. Chances you u'd get ignored for the next coupla hours and vice versa. Its a bleeding heaven on screen with bronze-skinned babes and hunks.

10 bucks well spent. You'd be a colossal idiot to miss this one.


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