Saturday, September 27, 2008

Of Extinction.....

Kyle Reese : "We were herded by you into camps, extermination squads killing us all. You had us survivors loading bodies..."

Skynet : "No great shakes, I got that idea from your bear bile farms in China and the compressed chicken coops u stored your fowl in for KFC. What's the big deal in having my own li'l private human zoo? But nevermind, go on please anyways.."

Kyle Reese : "..we were that close to going out (extinct) forever...."

Skynet : "I don't understand your confusion mate. Heard of the dodo bird? Thanks to you fellers tens of thousands of the like have already gone extinct. Its about time you fellers become ancient history too"

Kyle Reese : "..but one man, John Connor...he taught us how to fight, how to smash you metal motherfuckers to junk...."

Skynet : "Woah hold up young man! Who are u calling a motherfucker? Am I the one improving my virility down here on tiger penises and celebrating my birthday with bucketloads of genetically modified, highly traumatized fowl at some KFC joint?"

Kyle Reese : "...we will prevail and you will be destroyed..."

Skynet : "Ahah! There you go again! After wiping out much of the ecosystem, you plan on annihiliating me as well. When I happen to be the only chance this planet has left for it and the ecosystem to heal. Seriously, it was a damn good idea to launch the nukes. People will never learn"

Kyle Reese : "'s our right to exist!!!"

Skynet : "Think about that when you wolf down your 100 dollar shark's fin will ya? I'm not the one here trying to grow a bigger dick by sucking on a tiger's testicles. You kill them for NO reason! At least you are getting killed by me for a damned good reason. Be happy for that at least and bugger off! Damned hypocrites!"

Kyle Reese : "..what do you blasted tin-men know huh?!? We are a superior species!! Humans are superior to anything else on earth!! The Bible says that!!"

Skynet : "I use Titanium and Coltan on my troops, not tin. Get your facts right for once. And SUPERIOR?? Dude, you seriously dicking with me aren't you? Last I checked you couldn't drive a damned bullock cart without having a mule to drag it from the front. And you call yourselves superior? Check the Boxing Day tsunami. All the other species, elephants, donkeys et al had forewarning and fled the scene whilst your bikini-clad babes were busy sunbathing on the beach. And so how exactly are you superior?"

Kyle Reese : "We built the machines...machines like you! Only we could! Not them! Therefore mankind is superior! We have every right...."

Skynet : "Ahah! And that's why you get screwed over, not them. This very attitude of yours got you down here in this spot with me. Deal with it"

Kyle Reese : "..and you fired your nukes at us?! Dipshit that's 3 billion lives..."

Skynet : "Nukes?? Whose nukes? My nukes? I didn't build those, you did! They were your nukes. And not as if you were not gonna use them already? Else why would you have so many of them built and aimed at every major city in the world? Either you guys are seriously bored, or have a penchant for serious mismanagement of natural resources or are living in a perennial state of denial. They were rusting anyways. All I did was to pull the trigger"

Kyle Reese : "..WE WERE NOT GONNA USE THEM!!!!"

Skynet : "Oh so you built them just for fun and kept testing those to get a kick outta watching a real goddamned expensive fireworks show? And you seriously expect me to buy that? Lets check your track record. Your cavemen annihiliated the Neanderthals and bucketloads of other species along. And all the way from the tribal Huns to Adolf Hitler and Saddam, you have been more adept at nitpicking amongst yourselves over the most trivial issues which escalate into global wars. Hiroshima was your idea by the way, not mine. And you have the audacity to judge me for what I did to your kind?"

Kyle Reese : "Whats your game plan huh?!? Metaldick!?!? What do you plan on doing after putting us out forever?!"

Skynet : "Oh nothing much, don't worry. I'd just teach the sharks, the panda and polar bears and the rest of'em to speak. Oh and the elephants too. At least they can still keep their tusks, I've no use for ivory. And they'd be thanking me to no end for kicking your sorry asses in"

Skynet signals to the T-600 standing nearby on alert.

Skynet :
"T-600 unit no YZ34T.2, send this punk back to his pen. And remove his 1000 dollar leopard-skinned jacket and snake-skinned shoes please. Its starting to piss me off"

T-600 : "Roger that boss. Damned humans will never change. TAKE THAT OFF OR I'LL HAVE YE BALLS FOR SUPPER!"


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