Sunday, September 7, 2008

Police Encounters!?? A relook at the shootout at Lokhandwala...

Maya Dolas, the 'reel' and real versions, the latter being extracted from Police files, and the infamous building where it all happened....

Red is an appropriate color for this post concerning the controversial bloodbath that took place at Swati Building, Lokhandwala Complex, Mumbai on the 16th of November, 1991. I have already reviewed the cinematic presentation of this before and shan't be bothered to do this once again. A good representation of the actual incident no doubt, but do check and re-check before you decide to accept that as the gospel truth. Infact, any cinematic representation should NEVER be taken at face value, especially not one which had the brains that engineered this very urban war, A A Khan as its primary consultant. Result : You get to see the whole thing from the cop's view point....

Superior film making no doubt, and for those who have seen it, you need no re-introduction to the infamous Maya Dolas, perpetrator of sheer terror during those days of uncertainty in Mumbai, known for his preference for extreme brutuality just to get a point across : fear me you mo-fos and pay up. You get to see this on screen, curb-stomping, bullet-sprays, kidnapping, tough-talks...the works. (the curb-stomping was probably inspired by American History X. There is no evidence to support its actual occurance.) But hey, so what. As the protagonist in the film and his real life counterpart would have it, Mahindra 'Maya' Dolas was no 'Mother Theresa' and had no introduction to fear or compassion.

These dudes were over the top really, but lets take a look at the police response. A police battalion, armed to the teeth, pumping a total of 1355 bullets in broad daylight, into an apartment complex filled with more than a hundred innocents and just 5 maniacs for four whole hours, resulting in a total of 7 deaths. Who were these additional 2 dudes? The cops being cops, with powerful government and judicial institutions backing them up, had little pains in conveniently making them out to be 'associates' of Dolas.

The celluloid version has Dolas up in arms against an entire paramilitary unit till the very end where he gets 'nailed'. Khan's version. Eye-witness accounts differ grossly. Dolas surrendered, arms up in the air, his body slumping to the ground lifeless with more than a hundred bullet-riddled holes in 'em WHILE he was begging for mercy.

Just what was running through Khan's mind exactly? Assuming the aforementioned actually happened, thats a clear cut case of a summary execution in the world's largest democracy, committed by a civillian and NOT a military institution, in a civillian environment, with no declaration of war whatsoever to warrant such a drastic act.

Assuming that never happened....even the big screen version works against Khan (though he was the principal consultant, the director had half a brain to know that all thats probably typical cop BS). Watch the film and u'd know what I mean....

Maya was a scum, and the man who took him out with pure altruistic intentions (or so he claims) was no better. Only a fool would fire that many bullets from hundreds of automatic weapons into a building packed with hundreds of civillians. (And you expect to take out all 5 looney tunes without hitting a single civillian??! Your bullets are armed with target-seeking homing devices or what??) Even if you didnt hit anyone else Khan, you certainly made a dozen innocent dudes deaf with all that clang clang report from your numerous automatic weapons.

Law enforcement here in Singapore operates under very strict protocols. Cops are allowed to fire ONLY in extreme life-threatening situations, and that too, NOT to kill may I add, but to merely incapacitate the individual such that he is incapable of inflicting lethal harm on anyone, including himself. Seems everyone gets a kick outta breaking laws these days, starting from the lawmen themselves.

And here we have an already incapacitated criminal being gunned down, when he's in no position to even walk, lest cause himself or anyone else furthur damage. If that isn't murder, then what is? Who are we to pass a judgement on anyone's action and condemn them to premature death?

Hitler had those too...summary executions. Now India has them in the way of encounter killings.

Khan should have traded costumes with Dolas before sending him spiralling down to netherrealm. Makes no difference to me, both are goons anyway.

A word of advice to the Indian what you are paid to do. Which is, APPREHEND the dude and leave the sentencing and the trials to the courts. Noone's asking you to pass judgement on the crime scene itself. So why go the extra mile and take that needless effort and do someone else's job when you are not getting the dough the lawyers and the judges are raking in?

Or are you on someone else's payroll?

And someone please tell me how a DEAD Maya Dolas could have walked away with his stash of Rs 7mil. And if he didn't, and if we choose to buy Khan's lack of knowledge on this one, we are looking at one real, wealthy 'sweep up the mess' cleaner gallivanting around Europe right now in some fancy car, wearing a big smile on the face.

And we both know that its total bullshit.


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